Sunday, August 25, 2013

Sunday Miscellany

It's Sunday, so we walk to and from our 2-hour Hindi lesson and take in the monsoon sights in Vapi.

There's a big Hindu festival next month, and temporary shelters are going up all over town. This large pavilion is in front a large Hindu temple.

Sooner or later (I'm betting on later) I'll tire of taking pictures of cattle monopolizing the road. Also notice the two young calfs in the group. On the other hand, when you're trying to cross a busy street, luck is with you if you can walk with a herd of cattle (or even just a single cow) that is going in the same direction.

And just to show that my Internet woes are not just in my imagination, here's a graphic from the July 25 issue of Bloomberg Businessweek. The article is about slow downloads in Russia. Note that India is even worse. Right now I'm operating (or trying to) on a 2G ("Edge") cellular connection. (50 MB takes me about 3 hours to download.)


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