Saturday, February 15, 2014

Thanjavur - Part 4

Evening along the Canal

A canal runs in front of our hotel. After a walk into the main part of town, Lon and I realized that a fenced-in walkway ran along the length of the canal, so we decided to take a short walk along it.

The canal itself is not very pleasant looking -- it's filled with trash and algae and looks pretty disgusting.
Nonetheless, there are ghats (steps) going down to the water in several spots, and we actually saw people bathing and doing laundry in this water.
These stones and offerings were under a banyon tree at a small shrine along the canal.
A small shrine outside a second small temple along the canal.
I presume this is Shiva because there is a Nandi Bull at his side.
And back at our hotel there are two terra cotta Nandi Bulls just outside the door.

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