Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Life Goes On

We got back in Vapi yesterday afternoon.

First a short item from the Times of India, Mumbai Edition:
Where else would 13 deaths on commuter rail in one day warrant a mere 4-line note?

Not unexpectedly, the outside of our bungalow had several days of "dust" accumulation. And the neighborhood cat seemed to find our entry a good place to nap:

The polished black granite seat makes taking a good photo difficult, but tiny paw prints were all over it.
And closest to the door was a large dusted-off spot exactly the right size for a napping cat.
Today I went to Modern School, I was appalled that their costly brand-new road had been torn up. Sewers are wonderful (especially considering the alternative), but there's never any attempt to put things properly back together. The school had said they hoped the road would last 2 years -- I thought they were talking about normal wear-and-tear, not out-and-out destruction!

Before (March 2014):

After (December 2014):

Before (March 2014):

After (December 2014):

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